SEO Chapter 2

HTML Tags:

As we know, spiders or crawlers can only read text. When spiders scan a website it actually scans the HTML code of that particular website. There are several HTML tags such as Title tag, Meta tags, Alt tags etc. which should be integrates with the keywords, in terms of greater optimization of the website.

Title Tags:

The Title tag plays a very crucial role in optimizing any web site. Title tag is an HTML code that shows the words that appear in the title bar at the top of the browser. The Title tag is generally the first element of the web site. After that come the Meta tags and Header tags. Title tags contain the theme of the website and hence search engines give substantial importance to this tag. Title tags are the first impression of the web site for crawlers and all the major search engines evaluate the relevance of the website on the basis of the keywords present in the Title tag. This tag is also displayed on the SERP and results contain the text included in Title tag.

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